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Thursday, 3 April 2014

Baltimore Wooden Boat Festival 2014

Baltimore Wooden Boat Festival 2014
 County Cork

 This year’s Baltimore Wooden Boat Festival will be on the last weekend in May, 24th and 25th. The festival is a celebration of all wooden boats, but particularly the working boats that prospered in West Cork 100 years ago.

It is more a festival than a regatta. There are talks, demonstrations, an River Row for the curraghs and other working dinghies, and two proper harbour races. As well as the big working boats, the sailors will include some old wooden yachts and wooden dinghies. 

Two associated events add to the interest. There’s a seafood festival on Sunday, bringing the best of the West Cork farmers market stalls to Baltimore. There’s also a build your own boat competition. The competitors are given materials on Saturday morning. The winner is decided by whoever is fastest to around a short course in the harbour on Sunday.

For more information

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